Account Application
Professional Content & Seminar RegistrationThis website is for customers located in the United States and Canada. Once logged in, you will have access to our professional-only content and registration for educational seminars.
OrderingOnce logged in, you will be able to order products through this website if you are located in our Direct Sales territory.
Notice of DistributionOnly accounts located in the following states can purchase through our website. For all other areas, please visitÂ
our distribution partners.
Salon Professional Information
At least one on-site licensed professional's information must be provided to set-up an account.
Account Information
Please contact Customer Service for any questions related to Anti-Diversion Contracts or Forms (800) 431-8930
Available Anti-Diversion Contracts
Milbon Liscio Certificate
Milbon USA does not allow the online sales of any products including but not limited to sale on platforms such as, eBay, Walmart or Rakuten as well as on salon websites.
Complete our Anti-Diversion Contract
Account setup will not be completed until contract has been signed.
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
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