Fight Diversion.
Milbon’s products are salon-exclusive and should only ever be purchased directly from authorized salon(s) or licensed professional(s). Products sold at online shops or drugstores may be from unauthorized distribution. We define such unauthorized distribution as “Diversion”.

Products from Diversion can be tampered, expired, poorly stored or even counterfeit. These products may not perform properly and could be unsafe to use. Milbon cannot guarantee the quality of such products.

Fighting such Diversion is not only essential to ensuring product quality and safety, but we are also committed to supporting salon professionals and the integrity of their work.Milbon’s products are salon-exclusive and should only ever be purchased directly from authorized salon(s) or licensed professional(s). Products sold at online shops or drugstores may be from unauthorized distribution. We define such unauthorized distribution as “Diversion”.   

Who is an authorized seller?
Authorized sellers are salons or licensed professionals who properly purchase from Milbon or Milbon’s authorized distributor(s). Milbon strongly encourage you to purchase Milbon products from such salons or licensed professionals. Please check out our Salon Finder for salons in your area.

Report Diversion.
If you find Diversion of Milbon Products, please inform us with details such as website links, images, locations, etc. Email us at with subject line "Diversion Report" to help us investigate.