Milbon USA is excited to announce our brand new SOPHISTONE Demi series, Beige Mat and Beige Gold, available in levels 6 and 9. These shades will create beautiful finishes that are translucent, soft, and reflective and are ideal for balanced finishes that are not too warm or cool. Milbon’s Global Creative Director,
Anh Co Tran was able to capture our new shades on these gorgeous models.

The Beige Gold [BEG /83] Series is designed to deposit soft translucent beige while controlling unwanted undertones without shifting levels delivering a luxuriously delicate gold finish with an elegant glow. This series contains 2 shades: 9BEG (9/83) and 6BEG (6/83).
The Lowlighting Formula used to create this look included 2 Parts 6BEG (6/83) and 1 Part 9BEG (9/83) with Processing Lotion (1 : 1). This was followed by a Toning Formula including 9BEG (9/83) with Processing Lotion (1 : 1).

The Beige Mat [BEM /82] Series is created to deposit clean beige while controlling unwanted warm undertones without shifting levels delivering an alluring yet subdued mat finish with a reflective sheen. This series includes 2 shades: 9BEM (9/82) and 6BEM (6/82).
The Roots Formula used to create this look included 9BEG (9/83) with Processing Lotion (1 : 1) with an Ends Formula including 9BEM (9/82) with Processing Lotion (1 : 1).
To view our SOPHISTONE Demi Color chart, click